Ads for local services
Promote your local service on Trailguide
Make your business visible, reach our users, and get more customers. With your promotion on Trailguide, everyone who plans his trip or holiday gets the valuable information where to stay in a bike friendly accomodation, where to rent a bike, get a guided tour, a shuttle, can fix their bike, or just where to get a good beer after biking! Klikk her for den norske versjonen.
Promote your business
- Promote your services in a radius of up to 30km
- Automatically be visible in all trail descriptions
- Your business is shown on the map as a point of interest
- Automatic import and update of information from your Facebook page
Be visible
- Your website, Facebook page, e-mail, phone, and location is shown interactively
- Your services are shown as icons
- Use Trailguide if your customers ask for trails
- You can embedd an interactive trail map on your website
All the necessary information, including the logo, infotext, location, and all the contact information is automatically imported from your Facebook page. That means you don't need to care about maintaining the data on Trailguide. If you change anything on Facebook, it is automatically changed on Trailguide!
Trailguide is a free web-app. We offer the ads for bike and tourism related businesses to finance the service, and to provide valuable information for the users at the same time. Local services benefit from more customers and Trailguide can stay free for all.
The promotion is offered for a yearly fee. Please find contact information here.
Or go directly to the order form.